EMBEDDIA was presented at the 8th Naprej/Forward media festival in Ljubljana, Slovenia on November 21. Naprej/Forward is an annual festival organized by the Slovene Association of Journalists (Društvo novinarjev Slovenije). Each year the festival program contains a section called the Media harvest, which includes presentations of projects, stories or any kind of media content, that stood out in the country in the past year. EMBEDDIA, which is coordinated by the Slovene Jožef Stefan Institute (Institut Jožef Stefan), was among this year’s chosen projects.
Our project’s coordinator Senja Pollak presented some general facts about EMBEDDIA, our team, partners and spoke about cross-lingual embeddings and the ways we are working on using them. She also showed a demo of a multilingual offensive speech detector, which was trained only for English data but worked for over 90 languages thanks to cross-lingual embeddings. After the presentation, she also answered questions from the audience, which mainly consisted of journalists and media content creators.